Tag Archives: amp’s anime reviews

5 Centimeters Per Second

  • Characters: /3
  • Story: 2.5 /3
  • Enjoyment: 1.5 /2
  • Art: /1
  • Animation: 1 /1

Overall Score: 9/10

5 Centimeters Per Second in one word: Real.

5 Centimeters Per Second doesn’t exactly have a true main character, but I see it as mainly centered around a young boy named Takaki and his life as he’s growing up. He and his childhood friend, Akari, are forced to say goodbye due to her moving away and thus the story begins. The movie is cut up into 3 parts. The first part is about when they’re 13 and Takaki is on his way to meet Akari before he has to move. The second part is about Takaki and his life in a new location and his relationship with another girl. The last part is Takaki all grown up and him looking back on all his experiences.

The 3 parts seem to each have a certain theme about relationships. The first theme seemed to be something along the lines of realizing that you may never have someone you want even if the feelings are mutual. The second theme was unrequited love. And the last was moving on from the pain of the first theme.

Maybe I’m biased about this anime because I recently went through a break up and this anime brought back so many feelings… but 5 Centimeters Per Second really hit me emotionally.

The journey of these characters and how realistically they’re portrayed was so incredible. There were absolutely NONE of those BS shoujo cliches; and I could really connect with the characters. If you’re looking for an anime that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, this isn’t the anime for you. I knew from the start how this anime was going to end, but I couldn’t help hoping all throughout. The ending is, well, tragic. It’s real, beautiful, but pretty discouraging.

The background art is absolutely STUNNING, though I wasn’t a huge fan of how the characters were drawn. But, I suppose that was the style back in ’07.

So to sum it up:

Pros: It’s a very realistic, relatable story. The characters are very well-grounded and act in the same way a real human would. The art is fantastic, the score is beautiful, and you actually give a crap about the characters. There’s not a single drop of fanservice ANYWHERE and it really gets you emotionally. Especially for anyone that’s going through a difficult time in any sort of relationship.

Cons: The ending will not give you warm fuzzies. The art style of the characters themselves felt very out of place in comparison to the backgrounds. Also, it’s pretty confusing at times. Especially in part 1.

Worth watching? Oh yes. If this is the kind of anime you’re looking for, I mean. It’s not going to be for everyone. Like I said, I guess I’m pretty biased towards 5 Centimeters Per Second just because of the kind of emotional pains I went through recently. But if you’re looking for an anime that’s emotionally powerful and one where you can connect to the characters and events, this is the one for you.

Reaction: Gun Gale Online – Episode 3

This entry is going to be rather long, so buckle up. (If you don’t want to read that much, just look at the main points in bold.)

It’s Saturday which means a new episode of Crotch Shots Online is out!! This episode was ESPECIALLY distasteful so, as always, it was lots of fun to see how much worse this pile could possibly become.

The episode starts off and we see Sinon/Asada being bullied by 3 chicks. (Bullies always come in threes, don’t you know?!!) The entire scene had me on the floor laughing. This series takes itself FAR too seriously. I couldn’t feel bad for Asada because of how pathetic her reaction was. She almost peed herself and I just, I couldn’t. So then she’s saved by her friend, Shinkawa Kyouji. But really, he’s just another spineless guy who always puts himself down. After all, we can’t make him cool in fear of overshadowing Mr. Gary Stu himself, Kirito.

So, they’re suppose to be friends, right? Why did he say this then? Why? Shouldn’t Asada KNOW that already? Especially since she KNOWS he’s studying to become a doctor. It literally came out of nowhere. Which mean the only reason he said this was so the VIEWERS know. More examples of SAO’s expositional, illogical dialogue.

Also, this is just a guess, but Shinkawa practically revealed he’s going to be the antagonist. Saying things like how Asada is on a completely different level than him and yadda yadda. Just wait. I’m calling it right now.

I’m not the only one seeing double, am I? Asada is CLEARLY Kirito. Look at her face. LOOK.

And of COURSE she can cook! Of course!! Not only is she the best sniper in GGO, but she’s also waifu material! Asuna, watch out. You’re not the only wish-fulfilling piece of eye candy out there.

So, after Asada has lunch with her “friend”, she goes home and immediately proceeds to walk around without pants. Because that’s what EVERY girl does, ya know? And you guessed it. She lives alone. Because having parents that tell you to wash the dishes while you’re in the middle of a video game would be absolute taboo. So, Asada picks up some toy gun, strokes it for a while, and starts having a flashback. (Though I’m not sure if it really was a toy gun or not. If it was real, how the heck does she even own it? Japan has some of the strictest laws on owning guns.)

And now, we get to my absolute FAVORITE part of this episode. Asada’s “traumatic” experience. To sum it up, she saved innocent civilians, her mother, and a bank. (At least I think it was a bank. Could’ve been a post office for all we know.) because she shot a crazy robber. And apparently that scarred her to death.


I’m not saying this couldn’t traumatize someone, but this doesn’t explain AT ALL why she isn’t affected by guns in video games. Yet she nearly pisses herself when something even remotely resembles a gun. In the end, am I suppose to feel bad for her because she SAVED people? Fut the wuck.

Oh, and can I just say she has the best mom ever? Instead of running over to her child to ask if she’s okay, or realize that her daughter just saved her life….she looks at Asada like she’s a freakin’ psychopath.

And if you’ve been paying attention, the animation quality has dropped quite a bit since the first episode. But this is what A1 Pictures DOES. They blow their budget in the first few episodes and fans don’t even NOTICE when it goes downhill.

Where was I?

Ohh right. So after the flashback, Asada’s seiyuu begins making noises like a feral animal being choked. Which I had a great laugh at. Dat voice acting tho.

Stop. You said you need to become strong and now you’re begging someone to save you. Isn’t that kind of contradictory? Whatever.

And now we’re in ALO where Kirito is finally mentioning something about him being an investigator to Asuna.

Why? Give me ONE good reason, Asuna, as to why in the WORLD Kirito WOULDN’T be able to refuse Kikuoka’s request? ONE.

*Vomits* Is Asuna able to say ANYTHING that doesn’t sound like it comes out of a wish fulfilling fanfic? Oh wait, that’s exactly what SAO/GGO IS.

 (Dat art tho)

So, blah blah blah. Kirito goes to some hospital (I’m going to call it right now and say it’s the same hospital that Shinkawa’s family owns) and all of a sudden he has a flashback about Kayaba. Like as if he WASN’T just some deranged lunatic. ASLDKFJAKSDFJLAF. Stop thinking about that guy like he’s a hero! He imprisoned 10,000 people in a game (4,000 of which DIED) and his reasoning for that was because, well, he FORGOT the reason why. Best writing ever, 10/10.

He steps into a room, and we’re introduced to someone named “Aki” who apparently is the nurse that took care of Kirito while he was comatosed. (Even though this was NEVER mentioned.) Introducing wish-fulfilling, fetish-feeding, harem member number X!

And OF COURSE she has the hots for him just like every other girl in this thing. She even goes so far as to GROPE him.

 I can’t.

After some disgusting dialogue, Kirito gets all strapped in and connects to GGO. The episode ends with Death Gun (I mean, DEASU GUNNU! Never going to take that name seriously. Ever.) caressing a picture of Sinon on his computer screen. Again, I’m calling it right now and saying Shinkawa is going to be DEASU GUNNU. Or at least related to him in some way.

Oh God, how much worse can SAO POSSIBLY get? Stay tuned to find out!!

And the “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to…

The disgustingly hilarious and failed attempts GGO is making to seem even decent. Also the fact that no one has mentioned how Asuna’s father practically sold his comatosed daughter’s body to some guy with a raping fetish. 

But I guess we’re not suppose to talk about that, huh?

First (And Final) Thoughts: One Week Friends

I recently read the description of Isshuukan Friends (One Week Friends) and immediately went to check out the first episode. I was expecting a heart-warming slice of life anime with fun and sweet moments.

What I got was pretty much the opposite.

First off, the premise of the show sounded very interesting. A girl who can’t make friends because every Monday she forgets any memory she has of being with someone she wants to be close to. And a boy who still wants to be her friend even though he knows this. It could easily become a very sweet, memorable (ha ha) romance. Or just a wonderful tale about friendship.

Instead we get forgettable characters (with even MORE forgettable designs), unnatural and forced dialogue, and events so unrealistic it hurts. (Every anime should have a sense of realism to SOME degree, and should ESPECIALLY be realistic when said anime is a Slice of Life!) Often times, characters say things that are obviously directed towards the viewers which causes the flow of dialogue to come off theatrical.

Character relationships were very unnatural and everything just felt kind of like a big jumbled mess.

I couldn’t believe how shallow the main guy, Hase, was. The only thing he likes about the girl is the fact she’s pretty. If that’s the core of his feelings, I don’t want a romance.

The art isn’t anything to praise either. It looks nice, but there’s nothing that really makes it stand out. Which is ironic considering how gorgeous the manga covers are.

The animation isn’t a strong point either. Character movements are choppy in pretty much…er…every scene. Just look at this:

I think the absolute worst part of this anime is how badly they throw things out of proportion. They act as if her Monday memory loss is the end of the world. And I don’t understand WHY Fujimiya, the main girl, has to keep it a secret in the first place. They don’t even bother to tell you the reason why she forgets everything on Mondays. Or why it’s only selective memory loss. (Even if they explain this later, it still won’t make sense as to why it’s only certain types of memories.) She’s able to remember her family members, just not friends.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that impossible? I’ve never heard of anything like that.

And if she KNOWS that she forgets on Monday, why doesn’t she just keep a diary? A daily log so she remembers people and what she did that day? There. I just solved the idiotic excuse for melodrama using logic.

It could be hard and tiring to keep up a diary like that, but if she REALLY wants friends like they make it sound, it’s not that big a deal.

Like I said, this anime is just a mess. I’m disappointed, Isshuukan Friends, I really am.

But…I have a two episode anime rule, so I will be looking at the next episode. Though, since you could solve the “problem” (Fujimiya’s memory loss) in this anime using simple logic, it’s overall nothing but forced drama with idiots that can’t think.


Well, in episode 2, they took my advice and got Fujimiya a diary. However, it’s really not interesting enough to, well, keep me interested.


Reaction: Zankyou no Terror – Episode 2

Well, compared to last week’s, this episode was rather slow. I actually zoned out numerous times while watching.

There isn’t much to say, really. While I liked how they went back to explain how the bombs worked, I nearly fell asleep at the same time.

What I found pathetic was the fact the police didn’t catch onto the riddle. Not necessarily the answer, but the riddle itself. How did they NOT notice that rather than the 4-2-3 sequence, Sphinx said 2-4-3. Did they even WATCH the video?

Not to mention Oedipus is a well-known tale in Greek mythology. I don’t know the education system in Japan, but it seemed like practically no one had heard the story.

I get it now. The police are going to be completely incompetent while this guy –

will be the only person relatively intelligent enough to see what’s going on.

Still, I have hope for this series and really want to know what’ll happen next. So, I will be taking a look at next week’s episode. But if it continues to stay slow, I may be dropping it.

and the “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to…

Art, I guess?

Sure, why not?

Reaction: Tokyo Ghoul – Episode 3

Heck yes, episode 3 has been released! I’m actually starting to enjoy this series quite a bit.

As always, the art is great, but while the animation was solid, there wasn’t too much movement in this episode compared to the last two.

Touka, of course, is still my favorite.

In my first thoughts, I mentioned how it was rather strange how she would go from bashful and kind to cold and straightforward…

Turns out it’s just a face she has for work. I’m glad they kept it this way, her character is a lot of fun to watch. 🙂

Now, while I praised Kaneki in the last episode for the small development he gained, this wasn’t a good episode for him. I understand the adjustment to the life of a ghoul would be difficult and Tokyo Ghoul is still doing a good job to show this…but I had a facepalm moment when he saw the dead body at the bottom of the cliff.

…Really? Really?! I think you’ve seen enough messed up things by now that you wouldn’t be surprised by something so mild in comparison. His reactions in this episode felt kind of old.

One of my favorite things about this episode was the introduction of all the new characters. A sweet little girl and her mother, a doctor with some kind of connection with the ghouls, ghoul hunters (called “doves”), a ghoul that makes masks, and some flamboyant dude in a red suit. (Who I have a feeling I’m going to end up hating. 😛 )

(I especially loved Hinami who was just the sweetest thing ^^- )

Finally we’re getting to some major conflicts! I can’t wait to see what the CCG (a group that’s determined to wipe out all the ghouls) is going to play in this story. 

These two were just so interesting and the ghoul slaughtering they did was AWESOME for a horror fan like me.

This episode certainly had its high points and low points, but overall, it was very satisfying. I can feel that it’s slowly moving into the main story now with greater forms of conflict.

And the “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to:

Story development

Join me next week for a look at episode 3~ 🙂

First Thoughts: Usagi Drop

The first time I heard about  Usagi Drop (Bunny Drop) was when it was mentioned in one of DraconisMarch’s YouTube videos. It looked like something I would adore, so I checked it out.

Now, whenever I watch anime, I always have the Sticky Notes feature open on my computer so I can write my thoughts as I watch. Then later, I can write reviews or first impressions off of my notes.

With Usagi Drop…I completely forgot about the Sticky Notes. I was enjoying myself so much I didn’t want to pause the video to write.

I’ve only seen the first episode and I’m already enchanted with this anime.

It’s a shame it isn’t more popular. I’ve been wanting to find an anime like this and Usagi Drop more than satisfies. The art and animation are both terrific, while both Rin and Daikichi look like very promising and interesting characters.

I will most definitely be writing a review on this anime in the future. 🙂

Reaction: Ao Haru Ride – Episode 2

Well, considering my thoughts from the first episode, I really wasn’t looking forward to this week’s. Like, at all. But since I have a 2-episode anime rule, I (reluctantly) checked it out. 

And, I was pleasantly surprised.

While it was certainly still lacking, it was FAR better than the first episode. Mostly because they introduced this girl:

When I saw her in episode one, I immediately thought “she’s probably going to be some stupid love rival.” And I’m SO glad I was wrong! She’s definitely my favorite character so far.

Well, there really wasn’t much to say about this episode other than the fact it was actually not that bad. It’s certainly picked up from the first episode, that’s for sure. But I’m still not buying into the romance at all.

While I’m a sucker for romance, I’m not interested in that aspect of this anime. (I know it’s the main point, but sheesh). I’m far more interested in the side characters than the actual shoujo plot. 

With that said, this episode has given me some hope that Ao Haru Ride may not be AS bad as I originally presumed. I’m sure it’ll still be a generic shoujo, but it might actually be somewhat enjoyable. 

And on that note, I’ll be taking a look of at episode 3 next time. 🙂

Angel Beats!


(But if you still want to know the good and bad, scroll down until you see “pros” and “cons”. No spoilers there.)

  • Characters: 2.5  /3
  • Story: 1.5  /3
  • Enjoyment: 1.5  /2
  • Art: 1  /1
  • Animation: 1  /1

Overall Score: 7.5/10

One word to describe Angel Beats!: (இ﹏இ`。) -tries not to cry-

Angel Beats…oh, Angel Beats….

I recently finished this with a friend of mine and I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. Ha. Yeah. I tried.

And failed.

I planned to watch Angel Beats! years ago but never got around to it until now. While I was expecting this to be more of a serious anime than anything else, it was surprisingly light and hilarious at times.

My favorite thing about this anime were definitely the characters. They were all so fun and interesting. (Except Yui. I can’t stand characters like her.) As much as I tried not to be swayed by emotions when watching Angel Beats!, I couldn’t help it. Now mind you, it takes a LOT for me to become connected with characters. If someone dies a horrible death, but they had only showed up for one or two episodes, I couldn’t care less. I don’t feel anything.

And yet my favorite character in the series was Masami Iwasawa!

The person who did her singing voice did a phenomenal job, I could hear all the emotion she put into her song.

For an anime to make me feel something for a character who hardly stuck around is rare. And there were numerous parts where I couldn’t help get teared up even when I tried my best not to. Whether those tears were from joy or (more often) sadness.

Especially the ending where I absolutely BROKE. I mean, what a twist it was…

Now, as much as I love the characters in this anime, the story isn’t a strong point.

While I yes, the concept is clever and it’s overall a very enjoyable experience, there are quite a few things left unexplained. Such as how the Angel Player software worked and why the manual for it was in English (when the school is Japanese based). Also, the character relationships seemed rushed and came out of nowhere. Such as Yui and Hinata’s sudden love for one another. That one really took me by surprise considering they never hinted at their feelings at all. (No, beating each other up constantly doesn’t count!)

The mood also changed constantly. One second it’s ridiculous moments that make you fall out of your seat laughing, then the next scenes are heart-wrenching and powerful. While this sort of formula worked in Samurai Champloo, it just wasn’t executed as well as it could’ve been for Angel Beats!. Many times the drama felt rather rushed and too sudden.

That being said, the beautiful story itself definitely makes up for it. I was never able to tell where the story was headed next. Some of the twists absolutely caught me off guard. There was something Angel Beats! had that just made it so darn enjoyable. I don’t think I was ever bored with this anime even once.

I believe that the best kind of stories are ones that can make you feel something. Stories that push their audience to experience not just enjoy. And this is exactly what Angel Beats! did for me. 

The art and animation were also factors I absolutely fawned over. I can’t recall a single moment when the art was ever lacking, and the animation was always very well done.

So to sum it up:

Pros: The characters are all lovable and it’s just…a great anime overall! The concept is original, clever, and WILL make you feel. I’m pretty sure even a rock would tear up at some point. The art and animation are both strong and well done. Also, the soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece. The use of piano just makes my mouth drool. Angel Beats! also gets some MAJOR points in my book for not having any shallow pandering or perverse aspects whatsoever.

Cons: Some parts of the story aren’t executed very well and can seem rather rushed. Especially certain relationships between characters. The moods change quickly and there are some parts of the story that just aren’t explained very well (or at all).

Worth watching? Definitely! Regardless of the cons mentioned, they’re all pretty subtle and the pros make up for it all. As mentioned before, I believe the best stories are ones that can make their audience feel something. If you watch Angel Beats!, you can try to escape the emotions it forces you to feel, but that’s nearly impossible. The story is beautiful, it’s engaging, it’s powerful…yet it’s also hilarious, fun, and ridiculous at times. Angel Beats! is definitely a memorable anime that I feel everyone should at least check out.


Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

  • Characters: 2  /3
  • Story: 3  /3
  • Enjoyment: 1  /2
  • Art: 1  /1
  • Animation: 1  /1

Overall Score: 8/10

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica in one word: Unique

Oh boy. How do I even properly describe this anime? The fact that I pulled an all-nighter to finished the whole thing should mean something.

MSMM is centered around a young girl named Madoka who one day has a very strange, magical  encounter. With the offer of one miracle in exchange for becoming a magical girl who will risk her life fighting witches, her destiny will unfold.

I…honestly don’t know how to start this. I’m at a complete loss for words. MSMM most definitely lives up to its grand reputation. It’s one of the most unique and original anime I’ve seen.

The characters are all very complex and just…different from the norm. They weren’t cliched and were all so well written. What I found interesting was that Madoka doesn’t even heavily come into play into the story until the very end. The majority of the anime showcases the amazing supporting characters.

The story is what kept me completely hooked. Original, captivating, clever, interesting, elaborate – these are just a few words I can think of to describe MSMM. What starts off seeming like another generic magic girl anime takes a nosedive into something entirely new. I was never able to tell what was going to happen next, every twist caught me off guard.

I’ve never really been a fan of the magical girl genre, so MSMM’s dark twist on it made it SUCH a great watch.

Any scene that was suppose to pull at your heartstrings never seemed overly dramatic whatsoever. I even got chills in some scenes.

 (e.g. This)

The dialogue never came off as overused in any way whatsoever. I didn’t scratch my head or facepalm once. I mock anime that take their pretentious speeches so seriously, but this was NEVER the case with MSMM! There were no loose ends in sight. The story is thorough and explained in ways that made absolute sense.

And the twists they pulled always caught me off guard! Homura’s entire story was like nothing I’ve seen before.

Something I found incredible was the fact the art and animation only got BETTER as the series progressed. Especially during the fighting scenes and whenever they encountered a witch. Speaking of witches, the realms they entered were absolutely stunning. The art was so strange and different, I loved it.

The soundtrack always set the mood very well and the opening song is going on my Ipod.

The only complaint I have about MSMM are the yuri undertones. (Though this is just a personal preference.)

So to sum it up:

Pros: It’s just different in every category! It’s unique, it’s thrilling, it’s clever, the story and characters are all far from cliche. It takes the magic girl anime genre and puts an entirely different spin on it. The story was balanced yet it pushed everything to the edge without ever being “too much”. Also, the typical transformation scenes are always completely clean and there’s very, very little fanservice in the entire thing. I was at the edge of my seat and captivated till the end.

Cons: Some obvious yuri undertones. (But I guess this can be a pro if you’re into that.)

Worth watching? Definitely. Why? Because of everything listed in the “pros” section. MSMM is so memorable and will be the first thing I think of if anyone ever mentions “magical girls”.


First Thoughts: Ao Haru Ride

When I read the description of Ao Haru Ride a couple weeks ago, I was ecstatic. I was looking forward to another great shoujo romance anime. Possibly something that even rivaled Kimi ni Todoke.

Boy was I disappointed.

Then again, it was pretty foolish to set my standards as high as expecting a Kimi ni Todoke.

Ao Haru Ride seems to be just another generic school romance.

Already in the first episode there seemed to be a trend of unnatural changes in dialogue. For example, the scene in the very beginning where Futuba and Tanaka/Mabuchi take shelter from the rain. Futuba hints to something about a festival and Tanaka walks over to give her his gym shirt for drying off…

I understand it’s a shoujo, but reason should still apply. Nearly everything the characters said was unnatural and/or just plain cliche.

The characters were all cloth cut from your generic shoujo archetypes. Futuba even has two best “friends”. I use the word “friends” lightly because what kind of friends would say something like this:

(Well, I guess not all friends of the main character can be as lovable as Yano and Chizuru.)

Not even the love interest has any discernible features.

Even with his image and personality change, he still managed to be a shoujo trope. (He just went from the quiet, sweet boy to the rude, misunderstood type.)

Ao Haru Ride just couldn’t keep me interested at all. Nearly all the sweet moments were scenes you could find in any other shoujo. The only scene in this that I enjoyed was the very beginning where the two main characters were being shy and awkward around each other.There wasn’t anything that separated it from its genre. The characters aren’t memorable, neither is the art or story.

Still, I have a two-episode anime rule so I will be looking at episode 2 next time. Though I’m not expecting much.