How I Rate Anime

I am a HUGE fan of DraconisMarch.

(If you don’t know about him, you can find his youtube channel here: 

and his MAL account here: )

His brother came up with an ingenious way to rate anime called the “Karmic System”. (

I love it. It’s so easy and makes so much sense. Therefore, it’s what I’ll use for my own reviews. Only, with a few tweaks.

I’ve never cared much for sound when it comes to watching anime, in fact, the only soundtrack that I’ve ever fallen head-over-heels for was the one used for Samurai Champloo (Nujabes  ) and Baccano!. While music does set the mood, it’s never been something I pay close attention to.

Therefore, rather than counting sound as a factor, I’ll just be putting it under “enjoyment”. And I’ll be adding an “art” category. (Art and animation are two completely different things in my eyes.)

So for my ratings, it goes:

  • Characters: 3 possible points
  • Story: 3 possible points
  • Enjoyment: 2 possible points
  • Art: 1 possible point
  • Animation: 1 possible point

Add it all up and the highest possible score is a 10.

Rating Scale

  • 1=Poop     5=Average     10=Masterpiece

Fill in the blanks and the scale will build itself.

I try to keep my reviews as short as possible while still hitting the key points. Therefore, I won’t usually go as in-depth as I’d like. If you have questions for why I rate why I do, go ahead and comment/message. 🙂

Also, there’s a clear difference between liking something and giving it the proper rating it deserves. You can like something all you want, but to say it’s “good” is a completely different subject.

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