Category Archives: Suck Art Online

Fail Art Online

  • “Characters”: 0
  • “Story”: 0
  • Enjoyment: 0
  • Art: 1
  • Animation: 1

Overall Score: 2/10

Personal Score: -1/10

Okay, so I’m a couple years late to rant about Stink Farts Online. But hey, seeing as how Gun Gale Online is going to be released, why not?

I could honestly go VERY in depth about my hatred towards this “anime”, but why bother when there’s this?:

DraconisMarch is pretty much my favorite person on the internet. Love him or hate him, everything he says is valid and you can’t deny that. Unless you’re one of those blind fanboys/girls who refuses to see any flaw in the garbage you worship without a second thought.

DraconisMarch takes the words right out of my mouth, so… I guess this isn’t really a rant. More like a “Watch this guy’s videos right NOWWWWW!!”.

Before you ask, yes. I have seen all of SAO. But it was because a friend of mine practically begged me to and it was utterly hilarious how bad it was. Though I skipped a lot of parts just because it was so utterly BAW-RING.

The dialogue is cliche and vomit-inducing, the characters aren’t characters AT ALL, there’s blatant misogynistic themes, and do not even get me started on all the plot flaws with this anime. I understand that when it comes to enjoying, well, anything really, you have to suspend your disbelief to some degree. But with SAO, I just couldn’t. I wanted to throw up and bang my head against a wall. And the hype the fans give it just makes it even worse. It’s as if people just think “Video games? Hot chicks? Action? I’m in! HURRRRRRRRRRR” and that’s all it takes, apparently.


I’m really looking forward to seeing how GGO will be played out. (Not.)

Though I heard Asuna won’t be featured in it very much, so THAT’S a plus. But I’m guessing while e-waifu is away, Gary Stu will be adding more fap material to his harem.

Oh boy. Can’t wait.