
The name’s Amp. I review anime. The title name is pretty self explanatory.

I’m a beginner anime reviewer/critic, so try to go easy on me. I’m definitely not the most eloquent speaker, but I’ll try to get my points across as clearly as possible while trying to stay somewhat interesting and entertaining.

I’m very opinionated, so if you’re one of those crazy fanboys/girls, this is definitely not the place for you. I won’t even respond, so don’t bother.

If you’re open minded about opinions and can handle non-flame discussions, welcome! I love you kinds of people. 😀

Hopefully you’ll stick around~

Also, my reviews are always SPOILER FREE.
If I ever have spoilers in a review, I will warn you, so don’t worry. 🙂


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Anime reviews. Tread lightly, fanboys.

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Amp's Anime Reviews

Anime reviews. Tread lightly, fanboys.