First Thoughts – Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime or Snow White with the Red Hair is a new anime produced by Studio Bones (YES ❤ ) about a female herbalist named Shirayuki with rare red hair. And just like her rare hair color, shoujo anime nowadays are also become more and more rare. Especially GOOD shoujo at that. Thankfully, this anime has given me some hope.

All I can say from the first episode, is that it’s cute. There’s a very distinct fairy tale-ness to this which I adore. I’ve yet to find a good Snow White based story and this would be the first. The characters, the dialogue…I’ve seen it all before but I still like it. Why? Because it’s a fairy tale. It’s impossible for me to grow tired of them. The stories I memorized as a child, the various versions and adaptions I discovered growing up…Akagami no Shirayuki-hime fits in that category and I’m loving it so far. That’s not to say the first episode is too predictable. I was guessing different things that could happen within it and I was wrong everytime -which is great.

And the characters! A big YES to that. If red-haired heroines become a trend I have absolutely no problems with that. I love how Shirayuki embodies both spirit and courage, yet is still gentle.

One of the very first shots is of her reaching for beautiful flowers when suddenly the camera pans over and she’s actually grabbing a type of herb to use in her medicine. I thought that was so clever and already revealed so much about her character!


Although I’m somewhat of a fanatic when it comes to fairy tales (Blame Disney ❤ ) I still didn’t see the small twists here and there in the first episode. It’s clever, cute, and personally, I’m enjoying it so much it’s practically sinful. I cannot WAIT to see more of such a charming anime!

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