Reaction: Ao Haru Ride – Episode 3

Well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Ao Haru Ride actually seems to only be going up. It’s interesting how a series I really had absolutely no interest in is getting better, while my favorite anime this season (Barakamon) is going downhill.

While the romance is still as cliche as it gets, the anime is starting to get pretty fun to watch. Not because of the romance, but because of the characters.

I’m loving the side characters so far. I hope Ao Haru Ride gives them plenty of attention instead of keeping the spotlight solely on the main couple.

As I said, the romance still feels very cliched and forced, but I’ll admit that there WAS a cute moment in this episode.

I honestly wish Kou had kept his previous personality. His and Futuba’s past relationship is far more interesting than how they are now.

Overall, the episode was surprisingly decent. It’s still far from NOT being a generic high school shoujo, but it’s definitely improved since the first episode. Still, the romance is incredibly unconvincing and I’m FAR more interested in the side characters than anything else.

I’ll bite. Onto episode 4!

And the “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to…

The 3 side characters, Murao, Kominato, and Makita