Reaction: Barakamon – Episode 3

Not gonna lie. I was pretty disappointed with this episode, especially compared to the last two. 

The episode started out strong like it always does. I mean, look at this:

I couldn’t stop laughing at the opening scene! It was so ridiculous and silly – the type of humor that made me love Barakamon. But soon after we get a taste of Tamako’s real personality:

Which was definitely entertaining, but the episode kind of went downhill right after. Starting with all the gay jokes they made. I’m tired of seeing those jokes in anime, it’s really not my forte. They just don’t make me laugh. The episode started to really fall apart when they went to go to the mochi-picking event. The dialogue was so unbelievably cliched, I was very disappointed.

I saw what it was trying to do. Use a simple event with a hidden moral story that would make Seishuu grow by getting over his troubles. But it was executed so badly, it just didn’t work. Especially in an anime where I expect it to be more of a comedy than anything else.

Naru is the best part of this show, so I was sad to find she hardly had any screen time.

Overall, the episode just fell flat. The humor used didn’t fit and the way Seishuu got over his problem was played out far too seriously. In fact, this didn’t even seem like an episode of Barakamon. I felt like I was watching a different anime altogether. I feel kind of cheated, really. It’s disappointing to me that I waited an entire week for such a dry episode. :/

The “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to:

The first 2 minutes of the episode

Reaction: Gun Gale Online – Episode 3

This entry is going to be rather long, so buckle up. (If you don’t want to read that much, just look at the main points in bold.)

It’s Saturday which means a new episode of Crotch Shots Online is out!! This episode was ESPECIALLY distasteful so, as always, it was lots of fun to see how much worse this pile could possibly become.

The episode starts off and we see Sinon/Asada being bullied by 3 chicks. (Bullies always come in threes, don’t you know?!!) The entire scene had me on the floor laughing. This series takes itself FAR too seriously. I couldn’t feel bad for Asada because of how pathetic her reaction was. She almost peed herself and I just, I couldn’t. So then she’s saved by her friend, Shinkawa Kyouji. But really, he’s just another spineless guy who always puts himself down. After all, we can’t make him cool in fear of overshadowing Mr. Gary Stu himself, Kirito.

So, they’re suppose to be friends, right? Why did he say this then? Why? Shouldn’t Asada KNOW that already? Especially since she KNOWS he’s studying to become a doctor. It literally came out of nowhere. Which mean the only reason he said this was so the VIEWERS know. More examples of SAO’s expositional, illogical dialogue.

Also, this is just a guess, but Shinkawa practically revealed he’s going to be the antagonist. Saying things like how Asada is on a completely different level than him and yadda yadda. Just wait. I’m calling it right now.

I’m not the only one seeing double, am I? Asada is CLEARLY Kirito. Look at her face. LOOK.

And of COURSE she can cook! Of course!! Not only is she the best sniper in GGO, but she’s also waifu material! Asuna, watch out. You’re not the only wish-fulfilling piece of eye candy out there.

So, after Asada has lunch with her “friend”, she goes home and immediately proceeds to walk around without pants. Because that’s what EVERY girl does, ya know? And you guessed it. She lives alone. Because having parents that tell you to wash the dishes while you’re in the middle of a video game would be absolute taboo. So, Asada picks up some toy gun, strokes it for a while, and starts having a flashback. (Though I’m not sure if it really was a toy gun or not. If it was real, how the heck does she even own it? Japan has some of the strictest laws on owning guns.)

And now, we get to my absolute FAVORITE part of this episode. Asada’s “traumatic” experience. To sum it up, she saved innocent civilians, her mother, and a bank. (At least I think it was a bank. Could’ve been a post office for all we know.) because she shot a crazy robber. And apparently that scarred her to death.


I’m not saying this couldn’t traumatize someone, but this doesn’t explain AT ALL why she isn’t affected by guns in video games. Yet she nearly pisses herself when something even remotely resembles a gun. In the end, am I suppose to feel bad for her because she SAVED people? Fut the wuck.

Oh, and can I just say she has the best mom ever? Instead of running over to her child to ask if she’s okay, or realize that her daughter just saved her life….she looks at Asada like she’s a freakin’ psychopath.

And if you’ve been paying attention, the animation quality has dropped quite a bit since the first episode. But this is what A1 Pictures DOES. They blow their budget in the first few episodes and fans don’t even NOTICE when it goes downhill.

Where was I?

Ohh right. So after the flashback, Asada’s seiyuu begins making noises like a feral animal being choked. Which I had a great laugh at. Dat voice acting tho.

Stop. You said you need to become strong and now you’re begging someone to save you. Isn’t that kind of contradictory? Whatever.

And now we’re in ALO where Kirito is finally mentioning something about him being an investigator to Asuna.

Why? Give me ONE good reason, Asuna, as to why in the WORLD Kirito WOULDN’T be able to refuse Kikuoka’s request? ONE.

*Vomits* Is Asuna able to say ANYTHING that doesn’t sound like it comes out of a wish fulfilling fanfic? Oh wait, that’s exactly what SAO/GGO IS.

 (Dat art tho)

So, blah blah blah. Kirito goes to some hospital (I’m going to call it right now and say it’s the same hospital that Shinkawa’s family owns) and all of a sudden he has a flashback about Kayaba. Like as if he WASN’T just some deranged lunatic. ASLDKFJAKSDFJLAF. Stop thinking about that guy like he’s a hero! He imprisoned 10,000 people in a game (4,000 of which DIED) and his reasoning for that was because, well, he FORGOT the reason why. Best writing ever, 10/10.

He steps into a room, and we’re introduced to someone named “Aki” who apparently is the nurse that took care of Kirito while he was comatosed. (Even though this was NEVER mentioned.) Introducing wish-fulfilling, fetish-feeding, harem member number X!

And OF COURSE she has the hots for him just like every other girl in this thing. She even goes so far as to GROPE him.

 I can’t.

After some disgusting dialogue, Kirito gets all strapped in and connects to GGO. The episode ends with Death Gun (I mean, DEASU GUNNU! Never going to take that name seriously. Ever.) caressing a picture of Sinon on his computer screen. Again, I’m calling it right now and saying Shinkawa is going to be DEASU GUNNU. Or at least related to him in some way.

Oh God, how much worse can SAO POSSIBLY get? Stay tuned to find out!!

And the “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to…

The disgustingly hilarious and failed attempts GGO is making to seem even decent. Also the fact that no one has mentioned how Asuna’s father practically sold his comatosed daughter’s body to some guy with a raping fetish. 

But I guess we’re not suppose to talk about that, huh?