First Thoughts: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

I feel really late having just started this show now, but hey. Better late than never, eh? I recently finished the first episode of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and was pleasantly surprised.

The whole “magical girl” genre has never really appealed to me, but since this anime got some outstanding reviews, I decided to finally check it out. From the first episode, this Mahou Shoujo seems like your average magical girl anime. If I wasn’t aware that it gets much darker and psychologically intense later on, I would’ve dropped it.

However, I DO know that it starts to pick up around episode 3, so I’ll try my best to stay with it.

From the first episode I wasn’t surprised by the yuri tendencies but I would rather do without them. The opening is actually a favorite of mine because I adore the song. The art is great and the animation is solid. I can see hints here and there that this series is going to take a dark turn soon and I can’t wait for it. Also, there’s something different about the characters that I can’t quite put a finger on. They haven’t done or said anything that takes them away from their character tropes, but there’s something unique about all the characters introduced so far. I can’t explain it…

I don’t really have much to say for right now only that I hope this anime lives up to its reviews….

In the mean time, I’ll do my best to continue watching and possibly write a review of my own in the future ^^

First Thoughts: Angel Beats

Boy is this overdue.

I planned on watching Angel Beats! years ago but never picked it up until now. And MAN was I missing out!

I’m absolutely drawn to this anime, I can’t help it. Though I usually try to stay away from anime that have their own depictions of God (not “gods”, mind you. There is a difference.) I’m loving Angel Beats!.

The art is beautiful and the characters are all great. Surprisingly, something that sticks out the most for me is the soundtrack. I LOVE the use of piano, it’s absolutely beautiful. This is definitely an anime I’m determined to watch to the end and write a review about in the future!