Reaction: Tokyo Ghoul – Episode 2


(“Reaction” is in the title for a reason)

And we’re back to episode two of Tokyo Ghoul! Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed this episode far more than the first one. Glad to see Kaneki still has a discernible personality. I usually can’t stand characters who feel bad for themselves, but in Kaneki’s case, it makes total sense. He hasn’t had any random adjustments to suddenly becoming a half-ghoul and his reactions are as realistic as they get in a horror anime. But I cringed at the fact Rize is still being incorporated into this series.

I understand Kaneki has her organs and all, but man is she annoying. Oh well. I suppose it’ll make for some more interesting internal conflicts.


(I’m also happy to see Touka is still as awesome as ever >:D)

Another character I really like is Hide. He’s just so likable and sweet x3

I feel like he’s going to have an important role in the story, so I can’t wait to see more of him…

What I really loved about this episode was getting a small look into the lives of ghouls. It’s interesting how they have their own communities where they help out one another. And how the only food they can enjoy equally with humans is coffee. Little details~ ^^

Moving on, though I enjoyed the fight, it wasn’t anything that had me pumped. But the art was amazing, especially when they decided to use the inverted colors. The only thing I couldn’t help laugh at was this scene:

If it was suppose to be taken seriously…it failed. 

All in all though, the fight had spectacular art while the episode had solid animation. There was also a nice amount of character development for Kaneki which was fun to see.

And the “Highlight of the Episode” award goes to:

Story development and art!

I’ll talk about episode 3 next time 🙂

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